How is product regulation enforced in the UK?

We occasionally get asked “how product regulation is enforced”. Often the actual question being asked is “what are the odds of me being caught…”

I know #compliance is often welcomed with a burdened expression. It is however there to ensure as consumers we receive quality product that does not present a risk to health, and should be taken seriously.

The Office for Product Safety and Standards is a one part of how the market in the UK is monitored. Their mission is.

“To be a trusted product regulator for the UK. Protecting people and places, enabling business to thrive, and empowering consumers to make good choices.”

If you ever ask “what are the odds of me being caught…” then you could take a look at their Enforcement Policy.

The range of product regulation that OPSS covers includes:

a) As the national regulator for product safety, providing scientific and technical capability. In relation to cases that are nationally significant, novel or contentious, and working with local authorities, other market surveillance authorities and border control authorities to keep consumers safe and also ensure business compliance.

b) As the national regulator for legal metrology, ensuring weighing and measuring instruments are accurate and reliable, and guiding the work of local authorities to give confidence to consumers and businesses in goods traded by quantity.

c) Enforcement in relation to a range of goods-based and standards-based regulations. These include certain energy efficiency, environmental pollution and product security requirements in product design and performance. Standards and measurement in the energy supply infrastructure. And also due diligence in the trade and use of designated raw materials. Therefore protecting consumers and the environment and helping to meet international commitments to protect biodiversity and reduce illegal deforestation.

For further guidance on product regulation enforcement in the UK, please contact one of our consultants today.

#regulatorycompliance #business

OPSS Enforcement Policy – GOV.UK (

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